
“There is a fundamental poetic aspect to the human existence and it is a privilege of artists to express it and let it be experienced by other people.”


“Art comes to the eyes like music to the ears. In that sense figurative art is similar to songs, and abstract art similar to instrumental music.  There is no contradiction between them and they do not exclude each other.”


“A work of abstract art can easily be understood  by listening with the eye.”


“Sculptural shapes are archetypical. The sculptor does not invent, but recognizes and contextualizes them.”


“Speed is part of contemporary life, and that is precisely why calm, contemplative spaces are needed.”


“The sense of harmonious artwork is all in the belief that there is a superior harmony to the Universe which cannot be explained, but evoked and contemplated.“


“My work is fundamentally poetic since I am convinced that poeticalness is necessary to humans and that its lacking reduces life into an unbearable sequence of mere procedures.”